Friday, November 25, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

Have you ever felt like a little kid standing in line for your first roller coaster ride? You are a little unsure, nervous, and not quite aware of what you are in for. Your dad stands next to you and reassures you that you need to trust him. You let the bar come down into your lap. There is no turning back. As the car slowly rattles up the incline. Higher and higher! You are filled with so many emotions and thoughts. It's too late! You can't go back. Then, there you are at the top ready to descend at a high rate of speed with twists and turns in your future. You scream and yell and yell and scream! As the car pulls into the station, you feel like a different person and have experienced something that changes your future outlook on many things.

Now you know how I felt embarking on a graduate class in Fundamentals of Technology for Educators. I wasn't sure what I was getting into having to do a blog, create a spreadsheet, develop my own Prezi, embed links, and discover what Diigo means. At first, I was nervous and felt a bit overwhelmed at all of the requirements. Then, I realized that just like the little kid trusting his dad that I needed to do the same with Dr. Thompson.

Oh, there were twists and turns as I tried to find the right words to create a unique blog and get a column to look right on a spreadsheet. Then, there was creating my Prezi presentation online. If riding a speeding coaster makes you scream, try creating a Prezi. Frustration is a key element to learning and growing with technology. You need to take one step at a time and surprisingly enough it works. In the end, I took a step back and was proud of my Prezi about a penguin. It was like the rush of wind on that roller coaster ride. Next, I needed to embed links into a curriculum page. So, I did the next best thing, asked for assistance. Amazing how a helping hand eases the pain. Finally, I did discover what Diigo meant. It's a great place to share links and gain a number of resources to use in your classroom.

So, the next time that you are afraid to try your hand at new technology just think of a roller coaster ride. Take a sit, strap yourself in, and hold on tight for a ride into the future!  


  1. What a wonderful blog post! I absolutely love your introduction, as it immediately caught my attention and left me wanting more. I enjoyed reading this so very much, and could and can completely relate to you and your feelings this semester. I, too, was very nervous as the semester began. Having little knowledge of the latest and greatest forms of technology, I was unsure of how successful I would be in this class. Always one to be up for a challenge though, I embarked on this semester with a drive and desire to succeed, much like yourself.

    I am truly amazed at all that we have accomplished this year. Just like you said, blogs, prezi’s, formulated excel spreadsheets…we’ve pretty much done it all! Ok, maybe not all, but we have definitely come far. Your description of a rollercoaster is so applicable to the ride that many of us have taken this year, not only with this class, but with many of our graduate classes as well.

    Of all the projects and assignments we have had so far this year in this course, which one did you enjoy the most? Which one did you find most difficult? For me, I greatly enjoyed blogging. I would have never guessed that I would have found myself to be a blogger, but low and behold I am now officially one and have enjoyed it greatly. Getting the opportunity to express my thoughts and ideas, and getting the chance to read the thoughts and ideas of my fellow classmates has truly be great. My most challenging assignment had to be the excel spread sheet. After spending much time at it, I was proud at what I accomplished. I hope to provide students with the same opportunity with which we have been provided, that of a roller coaster, with all of its’ twists and turns, and excitement and pride along the way.

    Thanks for such a great posting! Hope you have a wonderful final week of the semester!

  2. “I wasn't sure what I was getting into having to do a blog, create a spreadsheet, develop my own Prezi, embed links, and discover what Diigo means.”

    What a great analogy! I, too, experienced that anxiety that you felt regarding this course. Perhaps that is why I saved it for last! But, much like you, I truly have enjoyed the experience. I was also unfamiliar with all of the various formats that were introduced. With such a strange name, I could not even imagine what type of site Diigo would be.. And, when I heard about Hootcourse I just had to laugh. I had no idea what to expect. Oh, and you are correct. I DID scream like I was on a roller coaster when I was attempting to do the Prezi presentation. But, in the end I am happy to have had the experience in these digital formats. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to know that I was not the only person with this high level of anxiety towards these new tools!

  3. Patrick:

    What a great blog! "You are a little unsure, nervous, and not quite aware of what you are in for."

    I know the feeling very well; at the beginning of this course, I was very anxious about what would be required. But now, I feel like I have a whole new vocabulary (wiki, blog, twitter, hootcourse, embedding links) and a whole new set of skills!

    "Your dad stands next to you and reassures you that you need to trust him."

    I have excited my students with a project on my wiki page! Now I just hope that I can be that reassuring "parent figure" by helping them through their "roller coaster ride"! I will take your advice, and "...hold on tight..."

