Friday, November 25, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

Have you ever felt like a little kid standing in line for your first roller coaster ride? You are a little unsure, nervous, and not quite aware of what you are in for. Your dad stands next to you and reassures you that you need to trust him. You let the bar come down into your lap. There is no turning back. As the car slowly rattles up the incline. Higher and higher! You are filled with so many emotions and thoughts. It's too late! You can't go back. Then, there you are at the top ready to descend at a high rate of speed with twists and turns in your future. You scream and yell and yell and scream! As the car pulls into the station, you feel like a different person and have experienced something that changes your future outlook on many things.

Now you know how I felt embarking on a graduate class in Fundamentals of Technology for Educators. I wasn't sure what I was getting into having to do a blog, create a spreadsheet, develop my own Prezi, embed links, and discover what Diigo means. At first, I was nervous and felt a bit overwhelmed at all of the requirements. Then, I realized that just like the little kid trusting his dad that I needed to do the same with Dr. Thompson.

Oh, there were twists and turns as I tried to find the right words to create a unique blog and get a column to look right on a spreadsheet. Then, there was creating my Prezi presentation online. If riding a speeding coaster makes you scream, try creating a Prezi. Frustration is a key element to learning and growing with technology. You need to take one step at a time and surprisingly enough it works. In the end, I took a step back and was proud of my Prezi about a penguin. It was like the rush of wind on that roller coaster ride. Next, I needed to embed links into a curriculum page. So, I did the next best thing, asked for assistance. Amazing how a helping hand eases the pain. Finally, I did discover what Diigo meant. It's a great place to share links and gain a number of resources to use in your classroom.

So, the next time that you are afraid to try your hand at new technology just think of a roller coaster ride. Take a sit, strap yourself in, and hold on tight for a ride into the future!  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teacher-Created Digital Storytelling Example - Emperor Penguins

I have created a digital storytelling example for my culmulating project for my EME 5050 Fundamentals of Technology for Educators class.

I teach first grade so the project would be used in conjunction with a science unit on animals and their habitats. My students will be given a specific penguin and have to research specific information on the penguin through a curriculum page of resources. Once they have found necessary information, each student will create a Prezi presentation like the example provided, including a self-drawn picture of the penguin.

I invite you to check out my Prezi presentation and tell me what you think of it (did you like it, what do I need to tweak on it, etc.).

I really appreciate hearing from you!